The resources listed below represent the most frequently used sources for Bambino's Curse. Many other sources are used throughout the year. In all cases, quoted source material is referenced via parenthetical citation and/or hyperlink to the original source material.
Traditional Sports Media
Weblogs and Independent Media
- Baseball News Blog
- Baseball Musings
- Baseball Primer
- Baseball Prospectus
- Bronx Banter
- The Boston Dirtdogs
- The Boston Sports Media Watch
- Boy of Summer
- Only Baseball Matters
Note: Links below go to, if the book is still in
print and/or available for purchase.
1918 : Babe Ruth and the World Champion Boston Red Sox
by Allan Wood -
The Curse of the Bambino
by Dan Shaughnessy -
Red Sox Century
edited by Glen Stout and Richard Johnson -
The Red Sox Reader
by Dan Riley -
Take Time for Paradise
by A. Bartlett Giamatti
Yes, you read that correctly. The Curse of the Bambino legend is onstage.
The Curse of the Bambino
Book and Lyrics by David Kruh
Music and Lyrics by Steven Bergman